So there I was, snow falling sideways, winds howling, Kitten meowing and Myren, my chauffeur furiously shoveling, to no avail, as the snow piled into drifts as high as Myren himself.
Exactly where was I you ask? Inside, cozy and warm, wrapped in an afghan watching out the window with Kitten. Luckily Unfortunately, I was prevented from hearing whatever Myren was trying to say as he shook his fist in my direction. I smiled and waved back.

We were in New Hampshire experiencing NEMO, the Blizzard of 2013, first hand and watching weather reports on TV just to make sure the scene outside my window was not that elusive figment of my imagination.
Nope. It was real. Every single last one of those trillions of snowflakes flying by my window to join the pile covering my castle, my grounds and now covering my chauffeur, Myren, was real. Probably cold, too. But I’m not opening my door to find out.
Myren is coming back in now through the garage. I threw him a towel. Now I’m running upstairs to lock myself in my tower while he cools off warms up. I…have things to do.
Kitten and I wanted to somehow memorialize this momentous event, NEMO the Blizzard. We decided to take pictures to share throughout the Queendom. Myren declined to pose, but I took some pictures of NEMO from my tower.