So what kind of person writes romance novels anyway?
I can’t claim to know about all of us writers out there in romance-land, but I can give you a few tidbits about myself that will illuminate some of what inspires me. In case you didn’t know, I love to read and write new adult/college sports romance, the steamy kind.
My stories are intense, characters redeemed and endings are satisfying and smiley. My goal is to have you put the book down with a sigh. And then to one-click the next one in the series because there’s always going to be a next one!
Now about those tidbits:
1. I’ve been *boy-crazy* since kindergarten 2. If only I weren’t allergic, because I adore kittens 3. Chocolate is my favorite food group 4. NFL Football is my favorite entertainment—watching, not playing (see above fact about boy-crazy) 5. Winter weather doesn’t scare me—I thrive in it 6. I’ve been a blond for only half my life 7. My secret power is my ability to shut out the outside world (comes in handy when writing in bars) 8. Coffee makes me talk fast, like way too fast (I could be an auctioneer after two cups) 9. My favorite reads are regency romances and thrillers, not necessarily in that order 10. I’m happy because my husband makes me laugh all day (Dad jokes, but still…)
Shout out to Tammy @butfirstletsread on Instagram for posting my list HERE!
In the meantime, my next intense, steamy college sports romance is Notorious Man on Campus to be released in September—but pre-order it now so you don’t miss it!
Growing up, I had 3 different step-mothers before dad figured out he was best suited to bachelorhood. Despite promises, once they left I never saw any of them again.
To say I don’t trust women is impossible. I would never use the word trust and women in the same sentence.
And in the universe of un-trustworthy women, the girl who broke my brother’s heart, the one who caused him to drop out of college to work in nowhere Pennsylvania, holds a specially vile place in the black hole that would be my heart.
And heck if she isn’t the girl I’m looking at right now in the kitchen at BMOC House where I live, where I rule. Nyla Rhoades stands at the sink, washing pots and pans more temptingly forbidding than ever.
Welcome to my senior year. Turning from the best time of my life as star QB on campus, on my way to the NFL to a living purgatory where I’m reminded daily of the one most absolutely messed up mistake of my life.
All because of her…