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Writer: Stephanie QueenStephanie Queen


I’ve got lots of news for you about LOVE UNDER FIRE including an invitation to join us on Facebook for the next 21 days!! Plus new giveaways and book deals.

Coming in November, LOVE UNDER FIRE is now available for preorder on KOBO, NOOK, APPLE. We’ll have it for you on Amazon soon, too!

Join us in June for author meet & greets–June 1-21

Come to meet each of us as the 21 authors with books in the box set celebrate the preorder and cover reveal–starting today, June 1st and ending June 22nd.

It’s my turn on Saturday June 16th.  Join me to for a teaser or two about my romantic suspense series–BEACHCOMBER INVESTIGATIONS–with a spinoff novella about a colorful character named Acer in this box set. A new author every day and giveaways, of course, including a nice basket from all of us to be awarded to a lucky winner on JUNE 22nd. Woohoo!

To find our reader group on Facebook, just CLICK HERE

A Good Cause

Proceeds from this box set to be released on Veterans Day go to a wonderful organization: PETS FOR VETS! A good deal and a good deed for 99c.

Here’s the blurb for LOVE UNDER FIRE:

When Love Sparks Danger, Get Ready for an Explosion!

Twenty-one Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and bestselling authors bring you a heart-pounding collection of stories all in one amazing romantic suspense boxed set.

From around the edges of every day existence lurks betrayal, greed, and death.

With every turn of the page, feel the heat of adrenaline as fear lights up the night. Fight alongside the tenacious heroes and heroines as they battle for survival. They’ll put everything on the line to thwart the evil coming after them.

They want to trust in the power of love. But is it enough?


Order the box set on Apple:

Order on Nook, Kobo, & other sites:

Order your copy now!

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