Bond. James Bond. Martini. Shaken, not stirred.
He is THE coolest—and yes, has always been the most interesting man in the world since long before the marketers for the current ad campaign were even born.
Sir Roger Moore breathed life into the fictional character for a dozen years and starred in one of the most classic movies in the franchise, Live And Let Die. Portraying the ultimate in British reserve, flawlessly handsome and perfect in his part, Moore played in seven Bond movies from 1973 to 1985. On the Official James Bond 007 website other Bond actors paid tribute to his career.
Moore was the James Bond I fell in love with, the one who introduced me to the mystique, and the one who got me hooked for life. To say I’m a fan of the Bond series doesn’t say enough.
The understated manner of the over-the-top exploits speak to me more than Luke Skywalker or
Indiana Jones or Captain Kirk ever did. Bond lived in this world and in this time and he saved the world with no hesitation and no qualms and with the most heart-melting élan of any of the legendary cinematic heroes. And nobody did it better (as Carly Simon would say) than Roger Moore.
Favorite Lines
Favorite line from Man with the Golden Gun: “Miss Anders! I didn’t recognize you with yourclothes on.”
Favorite line from Live And Let Die: Solitaire:Is there time before we go, for lesson number three?Bond:Absolutely. There’s no sense in going off half-cocked.
Moore delivered the irreverent lines with the deserving dry wit and without faltering. Ever.
Now, deceased after nearly ninety years, Roger Moore can rely on the everlasting James Bond to give life to his memory for many years to come. There will be another James Bond movie, starring Daniel Craig, but no release date has been scheduled. I’ll be there.

For some cool James Bond-like characters running perilous missions of their own, read my Beachcomber Investigations series books.